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How my environment may affect me: Am I a product of my environment?

Epigenetics is the study of how our environment can affect how our genes work and are expressed. We can not change our DNA but we can reverse our epigenetics and this will change how our body reads the DNA sequence this allows us to reprogram ourself especially if we want to unlearn old habits and relearn new ones. Genetics on the other hand determines what color eyes we will have, how tall we maybe these are things we can not control. Where as epigenetics is something we that is more in our control.

Our childhood and environment can have lifelong impacts potentially affecting our health mentally, physically, and spiritually. This is where the term “product of my environment” comes from.

As humans we express the DNA and epigenetics that was given to us. This is our programming it is who we are. 23 chromosomes of mother and father we adopt their way of living and thinking and appearance. Epigententics modifies or changes how we express our DNA like how we behave, our diet, stress, personality, mental health ect. This is how we can have siblings with the same mother and father DNA but they express themselves differently. The things we consume from our environments inner and outer has an affect on how we live life.

So when we reprogram our thoughts we can maintain that on a cellular level and this is passed on through our future GENErations. Epigentics can manifest into skin cells, brain cells, liver cells, anything. So to build a great legacy these are things we can do to produce a better GENEration epigenetically.

Consume products that do not modify genes such as Non GMO Organic and Whole Foods, natural foods.

Be aware of the thoughts you’re having make sure you’re keeping a healthy perspective and seeing the good/learning the lesson in everything.

Let go of toxic stuff this includes people, the air quality, and even water. Always strive to give yourself the best environment inner and outer, mentally and physically.

Love self and understand self. No stress before and during pregnancy or at all.

Make sure your healthy thoughts manifest into a healthy environment for positive influences.

So let’s talk about trauma the kind that’s passed on from generation to generation through genes.

When we experience trauma it alters how the gene functions, that’s an Epigenetic change.

So all of our ancestors trauma has been passed down and it impacts every generation.

Kids who have parents that experienced trauma will be more likely to grow up unstable, emotionally immature, fearful and these behaviors that come from parents may have also been passed down.

If this continues long enough like thru generations will can affect us psychologically, emotionally our whole life and that breeds suffering, diseases, triggers and a lot more.

Trauma can leave a chemical mark on a persons genes and that is how it ends up being passed down to future generations. That means that our personal experience can change our kids and grandkids biology and behavior.

The fact that we can change our environment, what we eat it, and get rid of toxins is epigenetics and all of this improves your growth mentally and that’s where everything starts in the mind.

Our mind should match our environment, if you are a peaceful being you should be living where it is tropical, beautiful beaches, where peace is promoted and there is an abundance of trees, love, fruit, fresh water like coconuts, ect. This starts in the mind before it can ever become physical so remember to control the inner environment, our thoughts. We will know when that happens because we will outgrow our physical environment naturally.

Environ is your surrounding area

Ment is your mental/thoughts

We are what we think

We are what we see

We are what we eat

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