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How to make the best out of affirmations?

What are affirmations? Affirmations are positive thoughts or phrases used to get rid of unhelpful or negative thoughts, which turn into manifesting positive actions and a positive lifestyle.There are millions of YouTube videos hours long of different affirmations to suit your needs but these will not work if you turn these off and life continues and you don’t think them yourself or put in action towards them. Affirmations works best when you substitute your old thoughts and bad habits with with great thoughts and affirmations with action. You have to program yourself to think affirmations in all situations, feed yourself positive thoughts and healthy perspectives in all experiences. Affirm good things all day even if a negative thought comes up in your head or environment alchemize it or switch it out with a positive more healthy one. Turn negatives into positives. All day in your head you should be in control of what you are thinking, repeating great things about self and others around you. See the good in it all. What you allow in your mind is very important to your way of life. Give yourself healthy energy. Although we can’t avoid the negatives and unhealthy situations in life we can control how we receive it our mind. If someone is being negative at a workplace we must understand that they are not at the point in their life where they understand how to control their thoughts, but since you understand it be aware and take control of what your mind receives. Don’t let it throw you energy off. Be understanding that they lack understanding in themselves and it’s ok, because we are all on our own journey. We can try to help guide people to a better understanding and perspective but do not argue with someone about what they want to do and think. Stay positive, keep your mind healthy this will breed healthy feelings and good actions.

Another thing is to be realistic about your affirmations, if you have $2,000 in your bank account, your affirmation shouldn’t be wild crazy like I am a millionaire, more like I have a savings account with $10,000 in it or I am saving $5,000. These are realistic and make the affirmation very believable. Start small take steps it’ll come. It’s hard to believe that you will make a million dollars from $2,000 so be real. A better way you could do it is saying it like this "I am thankful for the abundance I have". Being grateful for the little things attracts more also, Be grateful for the sunlight, trees, your breath, be thankful you are able to see, think, and all of your senses. Speak gratitude and show gratitude by expressing it. When you open your eyes when you wake up say "I am grateful for another chance at life", smile express your happiness for another opportunity here again. Instead of saying thank you substitute it with an affirmation instead and say I am thankful or I am grateful. Remind yourself constantly throughout the daily that you are thankful and why you are thankful add some feeling to it. When you drink water - I am thankful for this water. When taking a walk- I am thankful I have legs and I can walk. Be thankful for it all. You are rewarded from your gratitude, this is good karma. The energy you put out you will receive back, so have fun.

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