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How can I manifest what I want?

What is manifestation? In simple words manifesting is when there is a thought or idea that becomes in a physical form. It reaches a physical form because when we have a thought we tend to have a feeling that comes after that and from that we either take action from it consciously or it happen on auto pilot. Manifesting is not all good this means it can also be be things we do not want. Things we say and think comes into existence most of the time. The famous quote that says “the tongue is a sword” or “death and life is in the power of the tongue” is what manifestation is all about. What you say and think becomes a feeling and from that action comes. When we say we are broke, even if it is true, that continues to manifest. We have to learn how to speak in a healthier way when we are explaining our setbacks in life. Like instead of saying I’m broke a better way to say it would be this is temporary. Because both of those thoughts create different feelings. One of those thoughts begins the cycle of a broke mindset, the other thought begins the cycle of life and the natural experiences of life. Nothing is all good neither is nothing all bad, there is good and bad (balance). There is abundance and then there is lack we must understand that life will be ups and downs not just ups not just downs. Most of us can deal are ok when things are ups but we need to practice how to remain ok when things are down. Both ups and downs are temporary, this is how we learn life and it’s lessons. So we must stay grateful because there is always a lesson in both. So when it comes to manifesting we have to reprogram and brainwash our self with the thoughts feelings and actions of our goals. If you’re wanting to manifest a new house you have to stay focus on that goal. Every door u open even when u walk in your own house or anywhere, you say "I am opening the door to my new house". Yes I love my new house. I am grateful for my new house. We have to trick our mind into thinking we already have it. So claim it. Feel it, be excited, most of all apply the action towards the goal, do what’s needed to reach that goal. The same way it will be when you actually get the house is how it should be when you open every door, that same excitement and love should already be there. This is what helps you make it reality and puts you closer to your goals. You can’t have any doubts, if something comes in the way or you feel it interrupts what your plans are then this will throw you off your goal. You do not want to be sidetrack or distracted from the mission. It will detour you and may take a longer time to reach your goal. Which is ok but focus on the best route to take. Don’t let life obstacles knock you off the path, u got this. You have control of the steering wheel. No one can distract you from your destination if you don’t let it happen. You are driving you own car (thoughts and actions) to where u need to go. Keep your foot on the gas there will be no need to stop if your gas tank (focus) is full. Women are great at manifesting because it mostly comes from feeling. How we feel makes things true for us, feeling is knowing, that's what a "gut feeling" is. So since women can feel however they want and the feelings are controlled with focusing on a goal it is destined to happen. Women are ruled by their emotions, this is very helpful to getting what you want.

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