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What is mental health? How may this effect me? How can I control this?

Mental Health is how we think, feel, and act. It determines how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.

This affects us all good or bad, healthy or unhealthy.

We must be in control of it and provide solutions when we are aware of the problem or else the problems will keep stacking on top of one another.

To control mental health we must realize that it starts with the mind/thoughts. We have to be aware of the thoughts we are thinking. Our thoughts create how we feel which then manifest into our actions. The actions create habits which then becomes our lifestyle.

So when it comes to thoughts and how we think most of us have to reprogram them. We have to make sure we are having healthy thoughts especially if we desire a healthy life. This starts in the mental first. We must practice alchemy and learn how to turn negatives into positives. When it comes to perceptions we must see the good in all even if sometimes it goes against what we belief we must train our thoughts to remain healthy and see healthy thru understanding. Lessons can come from any situation see the good in everything and take away what you can as a lesson.

Life is not only going to be ups there will also be downs be aware of that and learn how to suffer. Because when life is good we are good and when life is bad we shall still remain good. If we are going thru or as I like to say growing thru a financial issue change your thoughts about it so you can feel differently. It helps us come out the situation faster. Know that any problem is temporary because life is a rollercoast

er it is not all bad nor is it all good. Keep solutions to your problems so you can move thru life instead of feeling stagnant. Solutions to problems helps us feel confident while navigating thru this world. Make sure we are not making emotional decisions because this will skip over the logical thought which is the focus of mental health. If thoughts come first then feeling and action then our focus should most definitely be logical reasoning. Ask yourself is the beneficial for my future self? You can create how u feel if you follow the order of how it goes. This is what we want to do, we do not want to live on autopilot and let things outside of us determine how we feel. This is lack of self control. We must be in control of how we feel at all times or else things will come up situations will happen and we will end up responding and reacting from an emotional standpoint.

Always cancel out the problem by having the solution. Thru tough times have a healthy perspective and remember your goals. Be strong overcome the setbacks. This will not get rid of difficulties or problems it clarifies them and provides solutions.

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